Country *
- Scegliere - Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Anguilla Antartica Antigua e Barbuda Antille olandesi Arabia saudita Argentina Armenia Aruba Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgio Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia e Herzegovina Botswana Brasile Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambogia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Caraibi Olandesi Chad Cile Cina Cipro Colombia Comoros Congo (Brazzaville) Congo (Kinshasa) Costa d'avorio Costa Rica Croazia Cuba Curaçao Danimarca Dominica Ecuador Egitto El Salvador Emirati Arabi Uniti Eritrea Estonia Etiopia Fiji Filippine Finlandia Francia Gabon Gambia Georgia Georgia del Sud e Isole Sandwich Meridionali Germania Ghana Giappone Gibilterra Gibuti Giordania Grecia Greenland Grenada Guadeloupe Guam Guatemala Guernsey Guiana francese Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guinea Equatoriale Guyana Haiti Honduras Hong Kong S.A.R., Cina India Indonesia Iran Iraq Irlanda Islanda Isola di Man Isola di Natale Isola Norfolk Isole Aland Isole Bouvet Isole Cayman Isole Cocos (Keeling) Isole Cook Isole Falkland Isole Faroe Isole Heard e McDonald Isole Marianne Settentrionali Isole Marshall Isole Minori Esterne degli Stati Uniti Isole Pitcairn Isole Salomone Isole Turks e Caicos Isole Vergini britanniche Isole Vergini degli Stati Uniti d'America Israele Italia Jamaica Jersey Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Korea del Sud Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Lesotho Lettonia Libano Liberia Libia Liechtenstein Lituania Lussemburgo Macao S.A.R., Cina Macedonia Madagascar Malawi Maldive Malesia Mali Malta Marocco Martinica Mauritania Mauritius Mayotte Messico Micronesia Moldavia Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Montserrat Mozambico Myanmar Namibia Nauru Nepal Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Niue Nord Corea Norvegia Nuova Caledonia Nuova Zelanda Olanda Oman Pakistan Palau Panama Papua Nuova Guinea Paraguay Perù Polinesia francese Polonia Portogallo Porto Rico Qatar Regno Unito Repubblica Ceca Repubblica Centrafricana Repubblica Dominicana Riunione Romania Ruanda Russia Sahara ovest Saint-Pierre e Miquelon Saint Barthélemy Saint Kitts e Nevis Saint Vincent e Grenadine Samoa Samoa americane San Marino San Martino (parte francese) Sant'Elena Santa Lucia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Sint Maarteen Siria Slovacchia Slovenia Somalia Spagna Sri Lanka Stati Uniti Sud Africa Sudan Sud Sudan Suriname Svalbard e Jan Mayen Svezia Svizzera Swaziland São Tomé e Príncipe Tagikistan Tailandia Taiwan Tanzania Territori francesi del sud Territorio bitannico dell'oceano Indiano Territori palestinesi Timor-Est Togo Tokelau Tonga Trinidad e Tobago Tunisia Turchia Turkmenistan Tuvalu Ucraina Uganda Ungheria Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Vaticano Venezuela Vietnam Wallis e Futuna Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe
Name of city/municipality *
Name of respondent *
Department *
Other departments which use PPP
2. If your city/municipality uses a limited number of pesticides, please state when you started restricting the pesticides used, the categories of pesticides you use, the conditions and derogations under which different categories of pesticides are used, or if the use of certain pesticides is totally prohibited. *
2.1. Category of pesticides used:
2.2. Category of pesticides whose use is totally prohibited:
2.3. Any conditions governing when these pesticides are used:
2.4. Do these rules on pesticide use also apply to use by private citizens and other users and stakeholders, or only to use by your department municipality?
2.5. When did you introduce specific rules on the categories of pesticides you use, the conditions and derogations under which different categories of pesticides are used or if the use of certain pesticides is totally prohibited?
2.6. Can you estimate the % of reduction in total pesticide use which has been achieved since these rules were introduced?
3. If your city/ municipality has different rules for different public areas (e.g. hospitals, sports grounds, hotels, etc.), please reply separately to questions 1 and 2 for each category of area. *
4. Please specify which of the pesticide reduction/ elimination measures listed above stem from national law and which stem from policies at regional or city level. *
6. Have you set up networks to disseminate information your pesticide reduction/ elimination policy and the reasons for it or to discuss its implementation? If yes, please describe briefly. *
9.2 If ou have problems with mosquitos, hot do you solve it? *
15.1. Please briefly explain your answer:
16.2. Please provide a brief summary on the main types of feedback comments received: *
17.2. Please provide a brief summary on the main types of feedback comments received: *
Other (please specify) *
18. Do you have any examples of how your efforts to reduce or eliminate pesticides have contributed to other municipal policies such as urban greening plans? *
19. Please outline the financial and technical support offered to your town, either from central government or sponsorship from businesses. *
20. Please outline any systems you have set up for your current pesticide free policies for monitoring and controlling the use of pesticides to ensure they comply with pesticide restrictions in your town and any challenges you have faced in monitoring and controlling pesticide use. *
21.1. Please briefly explain or justify your answer:
22. Do you have any questions, suggestions or examples of the good practices you would like to share with us?